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Professional photography


Photography is a fast growing interest and hobby for many people, and the technology in cameras, computers and phones is ever changing and improving. Its our job to keep on top of the new eqiupment and current trends within the photography industry, in order to provide our customers with high quality photographs that are 'in fashion'! 


We'd like to share with you what we find interesting about new products and photography trends... We'll also of course keep you updated with our own news!

Keeping on top of it...

Why Professional Wedding Photography is the Way Forward

January 2014

You’re working your way down that never ending to-do list – you’ve got the venue, you’ve got the dress, the flowers are ordered and now you’re left wondering where on earth to begin scoping out a wedding photographer. Wedding photography can be a tricky business, and something shrouded in mystery for many overwhelmed brides and grooms-to-be. ‘Surely anyone can take a decent wedding photo’, you might speculate – but luckily for us, you’d be wrong. Wedding photography means not only capturing images but capturing memories. And this is no easy feat...

October 21st 2013

If you can hear those proverbial wedding bells, you’re probably Pinteresting and Instagramming your heart out trying to find some urgent wedding photo inspiration. Romance is key, but it’s hard to know how to spice things up when the world of online photo sharing is so desperately full of clichés and crippling insincerity. But there are a few ways to really capture your love story on camera in a way that is legitimately lovely and personal to the two of you. You’ve got the chemistry, we’ve got the camera – let’s get to work.

New Clear Photo Website Goes Live

July 1st 2013

It has been a really exciting time recently at Clear Photographic, as we've been developing a new website! We're over the moon with our new website, which has so many more features than our old one..For example, if you have a studio portrait voucher, given by one of our trusted suppliers, then you will be able to register the voucher online, which will save you from phoning us to register it.Another great feature about the new website is its  compatibility with mobile phones, allowing you to easily view the site on a mobile device such as an iPhone, Samsung Galaxy or any other smart phone..

Adobe Creative Cloud

July 1st 2013

As Adobe are moving their software over to 'The Cloud' what does this mean to the consumer?

Chris White offers his humble opinion:

Well as a professional photographer I have been using Photoshop for many years and had a 2 year stint as a digital retoucher, so am well aware of the power of the program. To be honest I have never upgraded every time a new version was released. I found that most new features would have problems that would be ironed out in later releases and also many new features were aimed at designers rather than photographers. With Adobe now adopting a monthly subscription approach it does mean that you will always be up to date, but prevents you from having the choice of whether you feel the new features are...

March 14th 2013

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